All recipes

Mariposawith Licor 43 and caramel syrup
Mark TwainDrink with blueberry vodka
Mars Explosionwith rum vodka
MartinezOrigin of the Martini Cocktail
Martini BlueMartini with Blue CuraƧao
Martini Dry the classic
Martini Jiggerrefreshingly tart
Martini Medium CocktailGin Cockktail
Martini on the RocksA martini cocktail - on ice
Martini Sweetmilder than Martini Dry
Marula ParadiseWith Amarula
Mary Pickfordwith Marashino
Maseratisour bitter sparkling wine cocktail
Match Spring PunchCocktail with raspberry liqueur
Matcha LatteWith matcha powder
Matcha MuleMoscow Mule with Matcha
Matcha Mule #2Alcohol-free Moscow Mule with Matcha
Matcha Whiskey HighballWith matcha powder
MatcharinhaMatcha drink with lime
Mauresque or EPO (Eau, pastis, Orgeat)with pastis and almond syrup
Mayflower Martiniwith elderflower syrup
Mazurian iced teaFruity drink with tea
MediterraneanGin and lemonade
Melanie HamiltonCocktail with melon liqueur
MelonFruity cocktail
Melon Ballwith melon liqueur
Melon ColadaColada with melon liqueur
Melon CoolerDrink with melon syrup
Melon DelightWith honeydew melon
Melon Lovewith melon liqueur
Melon PunchWith peach liqueur
Melonmanwith melon liqueur
Men in bluewith Blue Curacao and vodka
Menta Creamwith Brancamenta
Mer du Sudrefreshing, scary
Mermaids Songfruity
Metaxa CollinsMit Metaxa
Mexican Coffeewith Kahlua and rum
Mexican ColadaColada with tequila and coffee liqueur
Mexican Colada #2With coffee liqueur
Mexican Firing Squad SpecialTequila cocktail
Mexican Hot ChocolateSpicy hot drink
Mexican MuleWith tequila
Mexican ScrewdriverDrink with tequila
Mexican StingerWith tequila and peppermint liqueur
Mexican Sunsetsweet-sour, refreshing, aromatic
MexicanaDrink with tequila and amaretto
Mezcal MargaritaMargarita with mezcal
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