All recipes

D's Fresh DrinkWith tonic water
D.B.U.or also DBU
Daiquiri Classic with rum
Daiquiri 2Mit Limettensaft
Damn the WeatherGin cocktail
DANZIGiger mintFruity-minty
Dark and Stormywith ginger beer
Dark MojitoWith brown rum
Dark SunshineNon-alcoholic cocktail with currant juice
Davis CupRefreshing, fruity
Daytona Sunrisewith Southern Comfort
De Las LouisianeWhiskey drink
Death in the Afternoonsparkling powerful
Debutantes Dreamwith bourbon whiskey
Deep BlueDrink with blue curacao
Deep RedFruity and "dark red
Deep Sea DiverRum drink
Demonic TemptationWith Passoā
Desayuno 43with egg liqueur and Licor 43
Desperate TussyFruity
Devils TorchCocktail with vodka
DiamondbackWhiskey cocktail
Die Happywith absinthe and woodruff syrup
Dirty Chai MartiniMit Espresso
Dirty MartiniMartini cocktail with olive brine
Dirty SanchezShooter with Baileys, Tequila and Kahlua
Dirty ShirleyVodka drink
Dirty Shirley SlushVodka drink
Dirty White Motherwith brandy and Kahlua
Dirty´s Black SoulLong drink with cherry juice
DixieGin cocktail with absinthe
Dog and CatTart strong drink
Dominowith chocolate milk and Jägermeister
Donatello'sVodka cocktail
Donkey IIRum-Drink
Doris Day Cocktailrefreshing
Doros Sex on the BeachVariant with apricot brandy
Dragon Bloodwith cherry and pineapple juice
Dragon BloodDrink with cherry liqueur
Dragon SlaveCocktail with lychee liqueur
Drambuie Coffee PalomaWith Drambuie
Drambuie HighballHighball with Drambuie
Drambuie Tropicalslightly sweetish
Dreamboatwith Malibu + Licor43
DreamcatcherDrink with Licor 43
Dreams of Haitifruity
Dreamsiclewith Licor 43
Drink of the godsWith egg yolk
Driververy fruity, tangy
Driver's Punchfruity non-alcoholic drink
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