All recipes: Sours, Fizzes, Collins


Amaretto Sour Sour with amaretto ...
Amaretto Sour #2with amaretto
Amaro SourWith herbal liqueur
Aperol GrapefruitFruity-tart
Aperol SourSour with Aperol
Aperol SpritzSee also Aperol Sprizz
Apple Cinnamon SmashWith apple-cinnamon-vanilla liqueur
Apricot Apple Collinswith apricot brandy and calvados
Apricot FizzVery refreshing
Apricot Sourwith apricot brandy


Baristo SourDrink with Licor 43 Baristo
Blackberry Bourbon SmashDrink with bourbon whiskey
Blue Eyes #2Gin drink
Blue Ladyrefreshing
Blue Volgarefreshing
Blueberry Gin FizzGin Fizz with blueberry syrup
Bourbon SmashDrink with bourbon
Bramble #2Cocktail with créme de mûre
Brandy DaisyFizz with brandy


California SourSour with rum and almond syrup
Campari SourWith gin and Campari
Canadian Sour(Whiskey Sour)
Captain CollinsCollins with Canadian Whiskey
Chartreuse SmashWith mint and chartreuse
Cherry FizzFizz with cherry liqueur
Collinswith Grand Marnier
Comfort Sourvery tasty :-)
Continental SourWith whiskey and port
Corn 'n' OilDrink from Barbados
Cucumber CollinsWith gin and lemon juice
Cucumber MargaritaDrink with cucumber


EnzoniGin drink with grapes


Fireman's SourCocktail with rum
Frangelico SourSour with Frangelico
Frangelico Sour #2With hazelnut liqueur
FrogmanWith peppermint syrup


Gin Daisyrefreshing
Gin Fizzrefreshing
Gin RickeyRickey with gin
Gin SourClassic
Gin SwizzleDrink with gin
Gin-Holunder-FizzMit Holunderblütensirup
Gold RushDrink with honey
Golden FizzFizz with egg yolk
Grand Marnier Sourwith Grand Marnier
GrapefloodWith grapefruit
Green Fizzwith creme de menthe
Green sinFruity and sparkling


Hemingway SpecialRum drink with grapefruit
Hibiskus SourGin drink with hibiscus
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