Recipes similar to "Sanddorn-Lassi"

The list below contains recipes that are very similar to the recipe Sanddorn-Lassi. A recipe is considered similar if different properties match.

  • Sanddorn-Lassi   Milkshakes   
    Ingredients: 200 g frozen Sea Buckthorn, 0.5 l Yoghurt, 2 tbsp. salty Licorice Syrup, 1 tsp. Licorice Powder, 1 tsp. Kardamom Powder, 3 tbsp. Honey, 1/2 Lemon

5 recipes found, that are similar to "Sanddorn-Lassi":

  • Alabama Slammer   Cocktails   
    Ingredients: 2 cl Vodka, 2 cl Rum (white), 2 cl Amaretto, 2 cl Whisky Liqueur, Southern Comfort, 1 cl Grenadine, 1 cl Lemon, Orange Juice
  • Feuerzangenbowle   Punches   
    Ingredients: 4 Bottles Red Wine (dry), 1 Bottle Rum (high alcohol), 2 pc(s). Lemon, 2 pc(s). Orange, 3 Cinnamon Sticks, 4 Cloves, 1 Sugarloaf
  • Ingredients: 90 ml Lemonade, 45 ml Gin, 30 ml Peach Pulp, 15 ml Blackcurrant Liqueur, 6 pc(s). Blackberry, 1 pc(s). Mint, 1 pc(s). Lemon
  • Orange punch   Punches   
    Ingredients: 2 pc(s). Lemon, 2 pc(s). Orange, 0.5 l Pineapple Juice, 20 cl Orange Juice, 10 cl Lemon Juice, 10 cl Sugar Syrup, 0.5 l Bitter Lemon, 1 Bottle Rum (white)
  • Hot Buttered Rum   Hot drinks   
    Ingredients: 20 g Butter, 3 tsp. Cane Sugar, 1 MSp. ground Cinnamon, 1 MSp. Kardamom Powder, 1 MSp. ground Cloves, 1/2 pinch Salt, 4 cl Rum (brown), 120 ml boiling Water
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