Recipe Cuban Sunset

Added by SzymonIgn.


3 pc(s). Lemon
2 BS Powdered Sugar
4 cl Rum (brown), Havana Club Añejo 7 Años
16 cl Cola
1 dash Strawberry Liqueur
Recipe for serving(s)


Zitronenscheibe am Rande des Glases


Long drink glass (Havana)

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  • 4.5 for 1 rating. Please login for rating.
  • Alcohol content 7.7 Vol.-%
  • Preparation 4 min
  • Total time 4 min
  • Difficulty
  • Category Long drinks


  1. Throw 3 slices of lemon into the glass
  2. Add two spoons of powdered sugar and squash it together without squashing the lemon skin
  3. Throw in ice cubes up to the top
  4. Pour 4 cl of Havana Club into the glass and stir it until sugar dissolves
  5. Pour 16 cl of cola
  6. Stir the drink for 3 seconds


Sweet lemon rum taste


The drink may also be topped of with other liqueurs or syrups such as Jägermeister or orange liqueur

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