Recipes similar to "Drambuie Coffee Paloma"

The list below contains recipes that are very similar to the recipe Drambuie Coffee Paloma. A recipe is considered similar if different properties match.

  • Ingredients: 25 ml Whisky Liqueur, Drambuie, 25 ml Tequila, 25 ml Coffee, 25 ml freshly squeezed Grapefruit Juice (pink)

4 recipes found, that are similar to "Drambuie Coffee Paloma":

  • Ice Coffee Dream   Long drinks   
    Ingredients: 4 cl Whiskey (Scotch), 2 cl Amaretto, 20 cl Coffee, 2 cl Cream
  • Blue Boar   Cocktails   
    Ingredients: 3 cl Vodka, 1 cl Whisky Liqueur, Drambuie, 1 cl Blue Curaçao, 1 dash Citron Lemonade, 1 Egg White
  • Mexican Coffee   Hot drinks   
    Ingredients: 1 BS Cane Sugar, 2 cl Rum (brown), 2 cl Coffee Liqueur, Kahlúa Kahlua, 1 cup Coffee, 2 tbsp. lightly beaten Cream
  • Siesta   Sours, Fizzes, Collins   
    Ingredients: 4.5 cl Tequila (silver), Patrón Patron, 1.5 cl Bitter Aperitif, Campari, 1.5 cl Lemon Juice, 1.5 cl Grapefruit Juice (pink), 1.5 cl Sugar Syrup
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