All recipes: Non-alcoholic cocktails

Safer Sex on the BeachAlcohol free variant
Safer Sex on the Beach #2Alcohol Free Sex on the Beach
San Francisco Virginwith grapefruit juice
Sanbittèr PassionAlcohol free with Sanbittèr
Save Drive HomeFruity, not so sweet
Save Drive Home #2Fruity, not so sweet
Save Drive To MeFruity cocktail without alcohol
Saxonycaipinon-alcoholic caipi
Scarlett Dreamnot too sweet, refreshing
Shirley TempleVery refreshing
Shirley Temple #2refreshing
Shirley Temple #3Sparkling long drink
Snappy kickerVery fruity
Snow Whitewith almond and coconut syrup
Spanish Kisswith vanilla and almond syrup
Speedy Gonzalezwith Blue Curaçao syrup
Sportsman #3With strawberries
Spring FeverFruity fresh
Strawberry ColadaAlkoholfrei, mit Sahne
Strawberry KissFruity and creamy
Strawberry Tropicfruity
Sugar LoveFruity
Summer Starwith banana syrup
Sunrise #2fruity
SunsetInteresting color mixture
Sunshinelike a sunrise
Sunshine #2refreshing, fruity
Sweet Blue GlacierNon-alcoholic drink
Sweet pineapple kissnon-alcoholic cocktail
Sweet VictoryAlcohol-free, with cherry juice
Sweetysimple, non-alcoholic drink
Swimming Pool (non-alcoholic)Variant without alcohol
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