All recipes: Long drinks


Cuba Libre #5With brown rum
Cuba VanillaWith Cola Vanilla
Cuban SunsetMit Rum und Cola
Cucumber Rosemary Gin TonicGin and tonic with rosemary and cucumber


Dark and Stormywith ginger beer
Daytona Sunrisewith Southern Comfort
Deep Sea DiverRum drink
Die Happywith absinthe and woodruff syrup
Dirty ShirleyVodka drink
Dirty´s Black SoulLong drink with cherry juice
Drambuie Tropicalslightly sweetish
Driver's Punchfruity non-alcoholic drink


Early Gin SlingGin cocktail
El ManitoLongdrink 2001
Electric LemonadeStrong alcoholic drink
End Of The RoadDrink with almond liqueur


Fanta Korn DorfmischungWith wheat schnapps
Fanta Korn StadtmischungWith wheat schnapps
FernandoWith Fernet Branca
Festinifruity, creamy
FiestaDrink with vodka and peach liqueur
Finnish Virginwith vodka and blue curaçao
Fire on Icefruity
FireballWith Bols Red Orange
Florida Slingwith Cherry Brandy
Foursome SpecialWith tequila
Fresh AppleWith apple juice
Fresh FireDrink with Cointreau
Frog juiceLong drink with Malibu
Fruity TequilaWith currant syrup
Fuzzy Navelwith peach liqueur


Gin of life Gin with naturally cloudy lemonade
Gin Passion Fruit Lemonsimple long drink
Gin Tonic simple long drink
Gin Tonic ProvenceGin and tonic with lavender infusion
Gin WildberryFruity summer drink
Ginger Gin CocktailWith ginger juice
Golden CopacabanaCocktail with batida and cachaça
Grain EnergySimple long drink
GranadaBrandy and sherry medium
Grand DuchessVodka drink
Grand Marnier Tonicwith Grand Marnier
Grand Royalewith Grand Marnier
Green Almondwith amaretto
Green Devil #2Longdrink with blue curaçao
Green EyesDrink with blue curacao
Green IslandDrink with gin
Green MileDrink with blue curacao
Green PassionWith Blue Curaçao syrup
Green widowwith Blue Curaçao
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