Recipes similar to "Tipperary"

The list below contains recipes that are very similar to the recipe Tipperary. A recipe is considered similar if different properties match.

  • Tipperary   Cocktails   
    Ingredients: 6 cl Whiskey (Irish), 3 cl Vermouth Rosso, 1.5 cl Herbal Liqueur, Chartreuse Verte (green), 1 dash Angostura

6 recipes found, that are similar to "Tipperary":

  • Manhattan   Aperitifs   
    Ingredients: 4 cl Whiskey (Canadian), 2 cl Vermouth Rosso, 2 cl Vermouth Dry, 1 dash Angostura
  • Ohio   Sparkling Wine Cocktails   
    Ingredients: 2 cl Whiskey (Canadian), 2 cl Vermouth Rosso, 1 dash Angostura, Champagne
  • Bijou   Cocktails   
    Ingredients: 6 cl Gin, 2 cl Vermouth Rosso, 1 cl Herbal Liqueur, Chartreuse Verte (green), 2 dash Orange Bitters
  • Champs Élysées   Cocktails   
    Ingredients: 6 cl Cognac, 1.5 cl Herbal Liqueur, Chartreuse Verte (green), 2 cl Lemon Juice, 1 cl Sugar Syrup, 1 dash Angostura
  • Gin Sling   Cocktails   
    Ingredients: 3 cl Gin, 2 cl Vermouth Rosso, 2 cl Lime Juice (fresh), 2 cl Sugar Syrup, 1 dash Angostura, Soda
  • Vieux Carrè   Cocktails
    Ingredients: 2.5 cl Rye Whiskey, 2.5 cl Brandy, 2.5 cl Vermouth Rosso, 1 cl Herbal Liqueur, D.O.M. Benedictine Benedictine, 2 dash Aromatic Bitter, Peychaud's Bitters, 2 dash Angostura
    1 - 6 of 6