Recipes similar to "Lavendel-Gin-Cocktail"

The list below contains recipes that are very similar to the recipe Lavendel-Gin-Cocktail. A recipe is considered similar if different properties match.

  • Lavendel-Gin-Cocktail   Sours, Fizzes, Collins   
    Ingredients: 4 cl Gin, 2 cl Lavender Syrup, 2 cl Lime Juice, 2 cl Lemon Juice, 1 Egg White

7 recipes found, that are similar to "Lavendel-Gin-Cocktail":

  • Pink Lady #1   Cocktails   
    Ingredients: 2 cl Gin, 2 cl Orange Liqueur, Cointreau, 1 cl Lemon Juice, 1 tsp. Grenadine, 1 Egg White
  • Apple Cinnamon Smash   Sours, Fizzes, Collins   
    Ingredients: 4 cl Zacapa Rum (brown), 3 cl Zimt-Vanille- Apple Liqueur, 2 cl Lemon Juice, 2 cl Maple Syrup, 1 pc(s). (vegane Alternative = Kichererbsenwasser) Egg White
  • Mayflower Martini   Martinis   
    Ingredients: 3 cl Gin, 1.5 cl Apricot Brandy, 2 cl Apple Juice, 0.5 cl Elderflower Syrup, 1.5 cl Lemon Juice
  • Red Lion   Cocktails   
    Ingredients: 2 cl Orange Liqueur, Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge, 3 cl Gin, 1 cl Lemon Juice, 4 cl Orange Juice, 1 cl Grenadine
  • Vanity   Fancy drinks   
    Ingredients: 2 cl Gin, 2 cl Blue CuraƧao, 1 cl Grenadine, 2 cl Lemon Juice, 3 cl Pineapple Juice
  • Shake Two   Fancy drinks   
    Ingredients: 4 cl Gin, 2 cl Apricot Brandy, 12 cl Passion Fruit Juice, 2 cl Lemon Juice, 1 splash Ginger Ale
  • Take Five   Cocktails   
    Ingredients: 3 cl Gin, 3 cl Lemon Juice, 1 cl Orange Juice, 2 cl Sugar Syrup, 1 cl Raspberry Syrup
    1 - 7 of 7