Recipes similar to "Caipirinha 0%"

The list below contains recipes that are very similar to the recipe Caipirinha 0%. A recipe is considered similar if different properties match.

  • Caipirinha 0%   Punches   
    Ingredients: 10 pc(s). Lime, 80 g Cane Sugar, 1 l Ginger Ale, 1 l Mineral Water (sparkling), 100 ml Passion Fruit Juice

One recipe found, that is similar to "Caipirinha 0%":

  • Juice Julep   Non-alcoholic   
    Ingredients: 2 cl Orange Juice, 2 cl Pineapple Juice, 2 cl Lime Juice, 1 cl Raspberry Syrup, Mint, Ginger Ale
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